Stories: Singapore


Growing as God’s people

For some people, whether teens or adults, confirmation lessons…

A Pain!

My prayer for all of us who call ourselves Lutherans here in…

Stamps for Mission: an update

Most of us know about this innovative mission, where used stamps…

Shine for Jesus

When Rev Terry Kee, Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore…

Serving thousands of Seamen

Wilson Wong wasn’t born into a Christian family. He and his…

Partners in Mission

‘Mission is not about written reports: it is about people and…

Asian churches grow despite adversities

Lutherans from across the globe have heard how churches in South-East…

Riding God’s rollercoaster – with a giraffe

Singapore’s first Giraffe course was held in December, 2008. Giraffe…

Crossing Cultures

Giraffe was held in Singapore in December as a joint venture…

A Bright Little Red Dot

‘Every Christian is commissioned, for every Christian is a…

The soul of the port

The International Lutheran Seafarers’ Mission (ILSM) has been…

Giraffe in Singapore

The LCA had previously invited the Lutheran Church in Singapore…