About us

‘Faith comes from hearing … the word of Christ.’

LCA International Mission is a department of the Lutheran Church of Australia tasked with the responsibility of supporting overseas partner churches in their local mission and ministry. We walk alongside our partner churches in order to encourage, support and resource local people as they bear witness to the hope they have in Christ. We also seek to listen to and learn from our partners so that the mission and ministry of the LCA may be enhanced through the experience and wisdom of our partners.

We walk alongside our partner churches in order to encourage, support and resource local people as they bear witness to the hope they have in Christ.

Acknowledging the witness of scripture that ‘faith comes from hearing … the word of Christ’ (Romans 10:17, John 17:20, Gal 2:2,5), LCA International Mission seeks to equip and empower our overseas partner churches in the proclamation of the word of Christ in their own context and in so doing, make disciples of all nations. LCA International Mission also encourages congregations and Districts of the LCA to join us in this endeavour.

We see a church whose members will be witnesses for Christ locally, nationally, regionally and throughout the world (Acts 1:8); and where the joy of partnering one another in the gospel for the sake of all whom we seek to serve is evident through the proclamation of the word and acts of mercy (Phil 1:3-6). We work in partnership with local churches and endeavour to listen carefully to their stories and needs. In this way we strive to nurture collaborative partnerships in which we both give and receive as equal partners. We recognise our partners are the true missionaries in their context and so we work to empower local people for local mission and ministry, especially focusing on strengthening Lutheran theological capacity. Through partnering in mission and ministry with others, we work to create a culture of mission at home.


We don’t work alone. We have hundreds of partners – at home and overseas. Our partners are other Lutheran churches, congregations and schools, agencies and organisations, families and individuals.

Our staff

Rev Matt Anker


Erin Kerber

with responsibility for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar as well as the School Service-learning and Congregation Partnership programs

Nevin Nitschke

with responsibility for Papua New Guinea and Indonesia as well as the Scholarship program and Volunteers in Mission program