Sharing in the body of Christ through language
The Lutheran Church of Australia has many partners around the…
Oroi’io Madei: The Living Word
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have…
We need your help to share God’s word
Mea duoduo! Good morning! For the past five years, I have been…
If not us, then who?
As a nine-year-old, Ian Kleinig watched a lantern slide show…
Doing all through the power of God
Papua New Guinea (PNG), where I work, is Australia’s nearest…
Spreading the Word
There are 7361 known living languages, including sign languages,…
Learning the language of love
South Asia is a captivating place that overwhelms the senses…
Change for Bible Translators
The oversight of LCA Bible translation work, including that by…
I’m Thankful
In a recent emailed newsletter Hanna Schulz shared her thankfulness.
Outside the comfort zone
When Bible translator Hanna Schulz goes to live and work in a…
Western Asia is calling
A beautiful but complex part of the world, western Asia is facing…
Heart sounds
In Papua New Guinea a self-confessed ‘nerd in hiking boots’…