Learning the language of love

South Asia is a captivating place that overwhelms the senses with its vast crowds, loud noises, vibrant colours, spicy food and overpowering smells. There are thousands of distinct groups of people, who speak hundreds of different languages in this region. The majority of people follow Hinduism or Islam, meaning that most people have not heard the good news about Jesus or, if they have, they probably don’t have the complete Bible available in their language.

I was introduced to Bible translation in 2004 and have since been on a number of short-term mission trips. During these trips, I have seen how important it is for people to have the Bible in their own languages. If pastors struggle to understand the Bible in their country’s national language, how can they disciple people from their own local language community?

I have also been challenged by how many Bible translations we have available in English – literally hundreds – and by how much work needs to be done to translate the Bible into the almost 1800 languages which have no Scriptures.

In 2014, I returned to South Asia to help at a training workshop for local translators. The experience showed me more about the process of Bible translation and the ways in which I could serve. Now, having equipped myself for the work, I am ready to return long-term. I am excited about serving the local church and working with local Bible translators as they bring God’s word alive in their own languages.

Once I arrive in South Asia, I will need to focus on language study and learning new ways of life in a different culture. It can also be difficult to get long-term visas for this part of Asia, so I will be looking for another area of service, in addition to translation.

This is an exciting opportunity for us in the LCA/NZ to join God’s work in this area. Martin Luther translated the Bible into German so that ‘everyday people’ could read God’s word, meaning that Bible translation is a key part of our Lutheran heritage.

Audrey is working through Wycliffe Bible Translators. The LCA has a Memorandum of Understanding with Wycliffe Bible Translators as we partner in God’s work.

Please pray for Audrey as she prepares to serve in South Asia. If you would like to hear more about Audrey, support her through prayer, finance or encouragement in this ministry, you are invited to contact LCA International Mission at lcaim@lca.org.au or 08 8267 7300.

Read more stories about Bible Translation at http://www.lcamission.org.au/category/stories/bible-translation/

Names and places have been intentionally omitted.