‘Border Crossings’ Issue 36

In this latest issue of Border Crossings, read the story of an Australian school’s partnership with a school and a community-based rehabilitation centre in Indonesia; learn of a doll ministry in Japan that provides an opportunity for God’s word to be shared among those who would normally actively avoid any mention of Jesus; pray for Chak Mun who explains how God touched his life through a youth program by which he came to know Jesus; give thanks for the opportunity of two arms of the Lutheran family to combine their resources and produce tracts in languages spoken in Malaysia; support a counselling program that changes the lives of those in the mission fields across Asia and the Pacific; and much more.

Please click on the links below to either read this issue of Border Crossings via a virtual page tour or download this issue in PDF format.
Read Border Crossings issue 36, April 2022 via a virtual page tour
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