Growing as God’s people

For some people, whether teens or adults, confirmation lessons might as well be double Dutch.

Some aspects of theology can be hard enough to get your head around, even in your mother tongue, but it’s all the harder when you have to struggle also with a foreign language.

Increasingly, the Bible is becoming available in languages and dialects even in some of the remotest parts of the planet, but supporting Christian education resources in mother languages are often hard to find. That’s especially true for Christian educators wanting to teach Lutheran doctrine.

Enter, or more correctly, re-enter Growing as God’s People, a confirmation resource published by the LCA’s Lutheran Publishing House in 1981. It was co-written by Pastors David Strelan and Noel Weiss, then directors of the church’s Board for Congregational Life.

Growing as God’s People has been translated into Chinese by the Lutheran Church of Singapore (LCS), with funding assistance from LCA International Mission.   It was eagerly snatched up by the LCS because it puts the key Lutheran teachings into simple, everyday language—making the task of the translators quite straightforward.

Growing as God’s People will be accessible by people from the main Chinese language groups. This is because Chinese symbols can be read by all the dialects; it is only the pronunciation that differs from one dialect to another.

‘After 30 years, when we would have thought Growing as God’s People was dead and buried, it is exciting to hear that Growing is still growing!’, says Pastor David Strelan.

‘May God use the Chinese version to help many people in Singapore and China to “grow as God’s people”‘.

The translation of Growing as God’s People brings the resource full circle, as it is anticipated that it will be available also to the Chinese-speaking congregations of the LCA.

The Lutheran Church in Malaysia and the Basel Christian Church in Malaysia have expressed interest in the project and there are plans to translate ‘Growing as God’s People’ into Japanese, by the Kinki Lutheran Church (Japan).

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