Partnership in Christ

A partner is a pair of people engaged in the same activity. ‘Partnership’ is, therefore, the perfect descriptor for what the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Myanmar and Ipswich Lutheran Church have established, as together we are engaging in the same activity: knowing Christ and making Christ known.

Our partnership is entering its third year and we continue to develop, as both churches serve, pray for, give to, share with, and encourage each other.

During the past year, once again, a group of six members from the Ipswich Lutheran Church travelled to Myanmar. One of the activities undertaken during this trip was a visit to a small village, a few hours drive from Yangon. The village visit included sharing and teaching songs in English (some were translated into Myanmar language); members from Ipswich sharing their gospel story; Holy Communion being served to the sick and elderly; praying for people in their homes and the sharing of books and pencils for the children’s school year ahead.

The highlight of our visit was when one of the young participants shared a sincere ‘thank you’ to both churches for coming into the village to share the Gospel message of Christ with them, and for caring enough about the village to share this Good News.

When we visit Myanmar each year, we feel truly blessed to be in partnership, as we grow together in our knowledge of Christ and go into our own communities to make Christ known. We seek to fulfill the Great Commission God has given to us and we know that our partner church is supporting, encouraging and praying for us, as we are for them.

If you, your school or your congregation, would like to know how you can connect to the mission of God through a LCA International Mission partnership, you are invited to phone Erin on (08) 8267 7300 or email For more information, go to

Read more stories about congregational partnerships at