Parish Nurses Sent out with a Blessing

The first introduction to the Pastoral Care Nursing course in Papua New Guinea was held at the Lutheran guesthouse in Goroka (Eastern Highlands), on 16 to 18 August, 2013. Representatives from the Lutheran Church of Australia’s (LCA) Parish Nursing, Mrs Lynette and Pastor Robert Wiebusch, were asked to present this course. The invitation was extended by pastor Grahamme Baital and nurses who had previously attended a course in Adelaide.

The nurses are part of a parish nurse ministry called Lutheran Nurses Out-Reach Ministry (LNOM) which is based in the St John’s congregation, one of three Lutheran churches in Goroka.

Nine men were among the 37 students who attended the course, which followed the LCA’s introductory Parish Nursing course, with adaptions to PNG culture.

At the conclusion of the course, certificates were presented to the participants during the Sunday morning service at St John’s. Family members sang a song of blessing and the whole congregation sang a ‘sending song’, as class participants filed out of the worship service.

This story was also published in the November 2013 edition of Border Crossings, the magazine of LCA International Mission.

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