New life for an old resource

And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (Revelation 21:5)

As followers of Jesus, we are people of the resurrection, so it should not surprise us when God brings new life out of something that appears dead and forgotten. Yet every time it happens, we are amazed!

You may have read stories of how the Lutheran Church in Singapore resurrected the LCA’s confirmation resource from the 1980’s titled Growing as God’s People, translating it into Chinese and updating the images to culturally appropriate ones. This book, which has been ‘made new’, has brought the message of Christ’s resurrecting power to hundreds and hundreds of people in Singapore, as well as in China.

You may also have heard that this same resource has now been published in Bahasa Indonesian, Burmese and Khmer (Cambodian). A resource that many in our church had considered dead and forgotten, has been renewed and is bringing life to people across south-east Asia, planting in them the hope of eternity in the presence of the One who makes all things new.

The translation of Growing as God’s People into Khmer was a collaborative partnership between the two Lutheran Church bodies in Cambodia, bringing them closer in theology and friendship as they worked on making this resource alive for the people of the whole country.

Pastor Phanna Bun (also known as Peter) from the Cambodian Lutheran Church said, “My first impression as a translator, on this book, Growing as God’s People, it is full of vivid pictures. However, all [the] illustrations are good tools in training. They speak clearly on the teaching. This book is a great response to Khmer Christian context, as many Christians are not so much familiar with language, or they are not able to read, [but the pictures tell the story].

Looking at [the] content of the book, it shows a good order of faithful Christian doctrines, which allow those who want to grow in the knowledge of the scripture, able to follow each step in a simple way.

Looking at this book as a Bible trainer, I feel that it is systematic and practical. Almost every part of teaching is supported with bible verses [which] build upon one another. It is a wonderful resource for Christian education. I can say that this book could give a fundamental basic of our Lutheran faith to the local Cambodian Christian both laymen and pastors. Praise God for this wonderful resource!”

Praise God indeed for this wonderful resource, and for the way He is using it to bring forgiveness, life and resurrection to the people of Cambodia and beyond!

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Read more stories about our partner church in Cambodia at