Long-life, life-giving fruit
The sale of thousands of bags of deliciously sweet dried apricots from Barmera in South Australia’s Riverland has eternal benefits.
The apricots are grown, dried and prepared by Lou Moss and fellow parishioners in the Barmera-New Residence parish, together with local community members. The proceeds from the sale of each 500 gram packet reaches across the borders to produce long-lasting fruit of another kind in Cambodia.
Sophouen is the first ‘home grown fruit’ of the ministry in Cambodia. Small in stature but with a big heart for Jesus and for sharing his love with her Cambodian people, Sophouen serves as the evangelist and ministry leader for two new outreach points about three kilometres from the Lutheran Church in Cambodia’s first mission in the village of Phum Krus.
This new outreach ministry, led by Sophouen under the guidance of Pastor Mose, started in August 2015 after much prayer, research into the needs of the people, and careful preparation. Each day 55 undernourished children receive a nutritious meal, and 40 children and 25 young adults attend English classes offered by Sophouen.
The weekends provide more opportunities for Sophouen, as she is joined by her ministry team of Sreyleak and Duy Sarann. Together they engage with the children in Saturday school, through songs and Bible stories. The expanding cell group in the village of Tang Bom Pong is led by Pastor Mose.
The mission and ministry carried out by Sophouen is just part of the great partnership in the gospel shared with the emerging Lutheran Church in Cambodia, together with the Lutheran Church in Singapore, The Lutheran Church in Australia and New Zealand and various other overseas Lutheran churches.
This year a staggering $9,600 was raised through the sale of the dried fruit prepared by Lou and his many helpers. This gift of love will go on to Cambodia to produce fruit of another kind – ‘fruit that will last’ for eternity.
If you, your school or your congregation, would like to know how you can connect to the mission of God through a LCA International Mission partnership, you are invited to phone Erin on (08) 8267 7300 or email erin.kerber@lca.org.au. For more information, go to www.lcamission.org.au/join-gods-mission/start-a-partnership/
Read more stories about our partner church in Cambodia at www.lcamission.org.au/category/stories/international-partners/cambodia/