Humble Appeal for Emergency Rice Distribution for Refugees in Paletwa

Recently, we received the following email from the Mission Director of the Myanmar Lutheran Church (MLC):

‘Thanks for your prayers and love for the people in Paletwa. Indeed, it is the most difficult time for our people there due to the massive fighting constantly. Sad news again the recently two people were killed by land mines again there and other people got injured too. There were 7 people who died on land mines since 2015. The people cannot do even rice harvest in this year because of the fighting. So, the starvation will be seen again in the lives of the local people there. Please continue your prayer for them.

Pastor from the MLC, Pastor Samuel reported to Bishop Andrew Mang Lone (Bishop of MLC) to share with you and your congregations about the political tension in the regions of Paletwa Township, Chin State of Myanmar. The condition of the national security is in danger zone now. Arakan Army and Myanmar Army fought against one another now. On November 5, 2017, the Arakan Army shot the Myanmar army at Kumpyin village. So, the whole village moved in hurry to Shinletwa village where they set up the temporary tents for them. The total refugees are now 67 families or 334 people. Please pray for Paletwa which is under severe political tensions. 17 Myanmar armies and one student were shot on 8 November. The condition is getting bad now.

In Miza district, one elderly woman from our congregation was shot on boat on her way to Doukchaung wa village because she went to the market in Taruan Inn to buy some medicines for her dying husband at home. Before she arrived her husband died. When she was about to reach her village, her boat was shoot by Arakan Army; then boat driver got injured and jumped into water. One man got injured too.

According to the local media report, about 1400 Internally Displaced People (IDP) fled to India side because of the severe fighting and burning the whole village. Last week, the village tract Administrator from the Refugees community asked humble appeal to Bishop Andrew again to help them with some bags of rice for them. The latest update news on refugees from Kumpyin village at Chin Let Wa village refugees camps are 67 families or 334 people who are urgently need of food supply and clothes as well as the winter comes.’

If you would like to support this appeal by donating money for rice to feed the refugee families, you are invited to phone Erin on (08) 8267 7300 or email

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