Free from Fear

Sei’s heart races as the sound of the vehicle winding its way up the steep slopes leading into Huay Me village reaches her ears. She straightens up, drops the tools she has been using to plant her dry rice and races back to her village. In her haste to meet Ajan Amnuay, Sei slips over, badly hurting her wrist.
Sei’s husband Anu comes running from another part of the village to meet the approaching vehicle. Together Sei and Anu eagerly welcome Ajan Amnuay and guests into their thatched bamboo home. Their meagre possessions are placed in one corner of the tiny room and their few items of clothing hang limply on a part of the wall. Sitting cross-legged on the bamboo floor, Ajan Amnuay and the guests are invited to pray for Sei and Anu, their daughter, mother and siblings – and for Sei’s throbbing wrist.
When Anu became a believer in Jesus and was baptised, together with their daughter, Sei was angry with Anu to the point of violence. She beat Anu with her words and actions…yet Anu kept loving her and continued to pray for her.
The deep loneliness Sei felt at this time caused her to reflect on how Anu continued to love her, despite her violent actions. Today, as a baptised follower of Jesus, Sei wants everyone in her family and her village to know Jesus – the one who loves her and has taken away her fears.
Huay Me is located close to the border with Laos, in the mountainous northern region of the Nan province in Thailand. With your prayers and giving, you have shared in this gospel partnership through LCA International Mission as we partner with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand. Through the power of the Holy Spirit you have helped to make it possible for Sei and Anu and many other animistic, marginalised Lua people, to come to know Jesus.
Today more than 1,110 Lua people in this region have been set free from fear and baptised into God’s family as your brothers and sisters in the faith. Ajan Amnuay and the seven evangelists, whom you support, share the good news of Jesus in difficult and dangerous circumstances. Your partnership in the gospel has eternal consequences.

Many of our partner churches are working in new territory for the kingdom of God; therefore, spiritual attack is their everyday reality. As a member of a congregation, school, or family, or a couple or individual, you are invited to commit to praying for our partners in mission. For regular prayer point updates, go to

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