Filled with joy

The joy on Ung Ein’s face is evident as she sits on the bench with her friends from the village of Krus, Cambodia waiting for the bible study to begin following her midday time meal. Ung Ein first started coming to the Life Centre following her retirement in 2011 as a primary school teacher.

Since 2006 medical mission teams sent by the Lutheran Church in Singapore, together with people from the Lutheran Church in Australia and Hong Kong, began to bring vital primary medical care to the impoverish people living in and around Ung Ein’s village of Krus in the Kampong Chhnang province.

The Life Centre and Lutheran church was then established and built by the Lutheran Church of Singapore in Ung Ein’s village in 2010.

As annual the medical teams continued, the Life Centre became the hub for many other activities and the source of great change and hope for Ung Ein and the people of Krus village. Now the ‘Daily bread’ feeding program provides hearty meals for 55 hungry children, 15 infirmed and aged people. Ung Ein enjoys these daily meals together with her elderly friends. English and computing classes give over 100 children and young people the prospect of further education. Livelihood programs give fellow villagers the opportunity to learn new practices for sustainable farming. And children’s and youth evangelistic camps give the people the opportunity to know Jesus and his love for them.

When asked what has changed in the village since the Life Centre and Lutheran church was established, Ung Ein quickly replies ‘Joy…I have seen joy spread through our village. When I was teaching all those years I never saw such joy as I see now in the villagers and in the children’.

Ung Ein was led to meet Jesus at the Life Centre by her friend Yi. Through this she came to meet Pastor Daniel and Pastor Mose (Lutheran Church in Cambodia) who continued to teach her more about Jesus and his love for her.

Your support of the Lutheran Church of Australia’s mission and ministry program in Cambodia has brought joy into Ung Ein’s life – the joy of knowing Jesus as her Lord and Saviour.

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