Stories: Schools


Global Connections – How we teach and Learn

Have you ever considered what education is like in other parts…

Providing Opportunities for Global Connections

Victory has established a sister-school relationship with a senior…

Partnership transforms lives

When did you last do something for someone that made a positive…

Serving in a global context

After months of preparations it was finally time to leave! The…

Growing through Service to others

The idea of service to others is doing something and expecting…

Coming as a guest into people’s lives

I sit here reading and being inspired by an email that has just…

learning experience that was real, transformational, practical, earthy, difficult

Thirteen students went on the Cambodia Service Learning experience…

‘Marsialus-alusan’ – filling spaces in dialogue with teaching

‘Marsialus-alusan’ is an expression from the Toba Batak language…

Ridwin’s ‘Thank you’ to you

I feel blessed to work as the Education Secretary of LWF National…

God’s grace moves hearts to act

“God had a plan for my life.  God listened to me deep in my…

Sharing and learning as partners

The Lutheran Church of Australia and many of its congregations…

Awed and Inspired by Bethany Home Students and Staff

For the past 4 years, Good Shepherd Lutheran College, in Darwin,…