Blessed by culture change

Through LCA International Mission Volunteers in Mission program I had the amazing opportunity to travel to Thailand to experience the way people are serving others in Bangkok.

Last December I volunteered at Home of Grace, which supports unmarried pregnant women, mothers and babies.

I felt a childlike sense of wonder learning about Thai culture.

One of my favourite memories was spending time with the mothers while making beaded angels to sell at markets. It still astounds me that two people without a common language can connect. I managed to build beautiful relationships I will treasure my whole life.

In January, I spent two days a week volunteering at Immanuel Day Nursery in the heart of the Thai capital and three days a week in the nearby the Home of Praise nursery. It was exhausting, but I would do it again.

Playing with the children and gaining their trust was such a wonderful experience. I will never forget the kindy-aged children’s faces as they played with toys.

I learned a lot from the dedicated people serving with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand. The workers serve with their whole lives, giving up much of their spare time.

I also have learnt the true power of being authentic, which allowed me to be myself and form wonderful relationships. I believe this is the beginning of the change we all desperately need – the change to a culture of radical love and compassion for everyone. Thank you to LCA International Mission for making this Spirit-breathed dream a reality.

If you would like to consider the opportunity to serve as a volunteer in mission, serving in practical ways, teaching English, teaching in the seminaries and institutions of our partner churches, or in local churches, you are invited to phone Nevin on (08) 8267 7300 or email For more information, go to

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