Your giving provides young people with an education
The life of pastors and their families living and working in remote and rural areas of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is challenging in many respects. For many pastors, they receive no salary, but only goods in kind as their wages for the ministry amongst the people they are called to serve. Sometimes a ‘bilum’ (traditional bag) filled with sweet potatoes, a bundle of firewood, or a bunch of leafy greens is their payment for the ministry that they undertake.
The fact that they may not receive any cash salary, means that their children are, at many times, disadvantaged in terms of their education. Although the PNG government in recent years introduced a system of ‘free’ education for all children in PNG, this does not address the fact that parents are still required to provide for the school books, transport, boarding and other fees, in order for their children to gain an education.
Young people – the children of pastors in the remote situations who want to go on to high school to further their studies, are the people whose lives are most affected by the lack of funds to pay for these additional costs.
Education is vital for any young person in any country. Education provides children and young people with the possibilities to take steps to gain skills for employment, or to go on to Seminary, teachers college or university in order to be prepared for service amongst their own people.
The nation of PNG, and indeed the Evangelical Lutheran Church of PNG, is working towards moving from an era of dependency, into an era of interdependence and self-reliance. More than ever before, we need to stand together with our brothers and sisters in Christ in PNG as they face many difficult and trying circumstances.
Commit to pray for them and in particular, pray for the young people in PNG, that they will be able to access an education that prepares them for the future, and an education that continues to pass on the faith in Jesus Christ as their hope in all circumstances.
Many of our partner churches are working in new territory for the kingdom of God; therefore, spiritual attack is their everyday reality. As a member of a congregation, school, or family, or a couple or individual, you are invited to commit to praying for our partners in mission. For regular prayer point updates, go to
Read more stories about our partner church in Papua New Guinea at