Young pastors grow in faith and understanding

Pastor Daniel, Pastor Vibol and Pastor Mose are pastors of the emerging Lutheran Church in Cambodia (also known as Lutheran World Mission, which has been initiated by the Lutheran Church in Singapore and the LWF Mekong Mission Forum) and are all enthusiastic participants in joint training in Lutheran theology and pastoral ministry, being conducted in the country’s capital, Phnom Penh.

The on-going Lutheran courses, attended by the pastors, are being conducted by retired Lutheran Church of Canada missionary, Rev Len Harms, and other Lutheran lecturers. They are offered in partnership together with pastors from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Cambodia and the Abundant Life Church.

The joint training has not only helped in building the theological capacity of all attendees, but has also helped to build unity amongst them. They have each come from diverse Christian backgrounds and spiritual formation, but all have the same deep desire – to make the gospel message of the forgiveness and grace of Jesus Christ, known to all people in Cambodia.

In 2006, Luther’s Small Catechism was made available in the Khmer language in Cambodia. It was at this time that Rev. Len Harms, and other international Lutheran pastors, invited local Cambodian pastors to attend a training event. The Cambodian pastors came from Baptist/Reformed backgrounds and none had received any formation in Lutheran theology as such.

Since the inception of these courses, further short-term workshops have been conducted in Cambodia. Men and women, including Pastor Daniel, Pastor Vibol and Pastor Mose, have received training in a wide range of topics related to the Lutheran understanding of the Scriptures, Luther’s Small Catechism and Lutheran Confessions.

It is envisaged that these inspiring workshops will be developed well into the future, with the Lutheran Church of Australia and other Lutheran partners, being invited to provide teachers to share their valuable insight into the Scriptures.

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