The cost of the cross

In many ways, Andry and Ammylyn are like any other young Lutheran couple. When you have two active children to care for, life is full on. But now they’ve added another challenge to their busy lives.

Andry says they used to be ‘ordinary church members’. But God had bigger plans for them.

‘We attended a discipleship training course’, Andry explains. ‘My wife and I have the burden to take up the cross of Jesus and follow him.’ They decided to serve full-time in their Orang Asli (indigenous Malaysian) community:

‘There is so much need among the people. Even among the Christians, poverty weakens faith.’

Andry and Ammylyn have enrolled in Sabah Theological Seminary, where they are both studying full-time. It’s a huge challenge for them in terms of time, energy and money.

‘We have to arrange our time between our studies and assignments, our children’s education and welfare, and so on’, Andry says. ‘Almost every day we feel the pressure of high monetary expenses, but by the grace of God we are able to overcome it. God’s love is so great that he provides for our needs beyond our expectations. He is worthy of praise!’

The LCA partners with the Lutheran Church in Malaysia (LCM) as it works with the Orang Asli people in West Malaysia. This support helps to pay for tuition fees for Orang Asli students like Andry and Ammylyn while they study at Sabah Theological Seminary. It also provides resources for ministry programs and additional tuition for disadvantaged children living in remote and rural areas.

In 2014, you have already provided $13,000 for this important work. We’re grateful too to the Adelaide Hills youth group, SHWALLY, who are active partners with the LCM and the work among the Orang Asli.

Andry says, ‘My wife and I want to reach out to as many people as we can, especially the Orang Asli, many of whom are yet to hear the good news.’

This story was also published in the August 2014 edition of Border Crossings, the magazine of LCA International Mission.

If you would like to know more about opportunities to personally support a scholarship recipient in your congregation during their stay in Australia, or ways in which you can financially and prayerfully support LCA International Mission’s scholarship program, you are invited to phone Nevin on (08) 8267 7300 or email

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