Stamps for Mission Projects in 2012

Thank you to all those involved in collecting, cleaning and sorting stamps. In 2011, an amazing $7,679.39 was raised and an additional $3,094.09 was deposited in January 2012. These funds will be put to good use supporting these mission projects:

Support for the 6 Lua evangelists working with Rev Simon Mackenzie in Nan Province of Northern Thailand. The number of people wanting to more about Jesus Christ and coming to know him in the Nan Province – among the Lua people is growing rapidly. As new Christians, 6 people have heeded the call to become evangelists and after a year of training are now serving their own people with the great message of Jesus Christ. The Lua people are poor and marginalised and the fledgling congregations are not able to currently provide for the basic needs of these willing servants. Through the LCA these new workers are being supported in their vital work.

Support for the theological training of pastors and interns (new Christians) working in the Kampong Chhnang Province of Cambodia with Lutheran World Mission. The LCA is partnering with the Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS) as they reach out with the good news of Jesus Christ in many ways – such as through medical clinics, teaching English and practical skills, agricultural projects, support for HIV/AIDS sufferers and through regular worship services and Gospel teaching to people in this Cambodian province. People are coming to know the saving faith in Jesus Christ and following on from this now, some of the young people are serving as interns in the new and emerging Church. Through support for these new Christian servants and the pastors we are helping to build strong foundations of the growing Lutheran Church in Cambodia.

Support for the youth ministry programs to the indigenous young people of Sabah. The Basel Christian Church of Malaysia (BCCM) Bahasa Malay (BM) section of the church has a thriving ministry to the young indigenous people living in Sabah. Many young people attend the youth camp held annually in Sabah and through this grow in their faith and life of service.

Abdi Sabda Seminary Prison Ministry. Prison is no place for children. However children as young as eight years old can be sent to jail in Indonesia, for all manner of offences and housed with criminals up to 20 years old. The students from the Prison Ministry team of Abdi Sabda Seminary in Medan, Indonesia take the light and love of Jesus Christ into these places of darkness and despair. On a roster basis they visit the children’s and adult prisons once a week. Their ministry involves personal contact, practical help with the provision of soap, medicines, toothpaste, sandals and food, together with bibles, and other Christian materials. At times they provide for a nurse to visit the prisoners with them to help to deal with the parasites, colds and sickness that present in the dirty conditions. Funds sent from the Stamps for Mission via the LCA Board for Mission will provide support for the 25 students involved in the ministry to attend a retreat with four of the faculty to study and grow more in their understanding of Christian service.

Hanna Schulz, Lutheran Bible Translator Australia member. Hanna Schulz is a woman with vision, energy and calling– a calling to serve as a Bible translator. Since completing her theological studies at Australian Lutheran College and Wycliffe/Summer Institute of Linguistics headquarters in Melbourne, Hanna is now preparing to serve as a full time Lutheran Bible Translator through Lutheran Bible Translators Australia (LBTA). In March Hanna takes up a position in Papua New Guinea with the view to remaining full time in PNG and translating the Bible into one of the many PNG languages which have not yet been written down. At this point in time Hanna doesn’t know where she will be working in PNG and with whom. Hanna leaves the comforts of life in Australia behind her to go, live and work with a people-group who do not have the scriptures in their mother tongue.

If you would like to consider the opportunity to donate used stamps or become a stamp receiver, you are invited to phone Peter Nitschke on (08) 8365 7717 or email For more information, go to