Sharing Incredible Joy
Eight years ago we were challenged to become volunteer program assistants for LCA International Mission. We had no idea what this would mean for us.
We had heard of the LCA/NZ’s work partnering with overseas churches, but had not been involved. The timing was perfect, as we considered God’s purpose for us while moving into and towards retirement.
It was immediately evident the role would give us continued purpose in mission for many years to come. It didn’t take long to learn how rewarding it would be, and how quickly our sisters and brothers in Christ in Singapore and Cambodia would minister to us, as together we shared the incredible joy of God’s grace and forgiveness.
As our partners in mission are mostly first-generation Christians, predominantly from Buddhist backgrounds, we have experienced something new and uplifting in our own spiritual lives.
Lutheran church members we have worked with share God’s love with such incredible passion and, at the same time, serve the physical needs of those to whom they minister.
Our volunteering has given us renewed enthusiasm for mission in Australia, too. We have learnt so much from our sisters and brothers in Singapore and Cambodia as they have served in their own communities, earning people’s confidence and the right to share God’s grace unashamedly with excitement and hope.
And we have been blessed by incredible relationships. Whether by email, Facebook, or Messenger, we keep in contact at least weekly, but mostly daily with some of our mission partners.
Yes, it just rebounds! Each time we return home, we enter invigorated and enthused by what we have learnt and experienced.
We strongly encourage you to consider volunteering for LCA International Mission. For us, just maybe God left the best until last!
You partner with the emerging Lutheran Church in Cambodia (LCC) through the relationship established through LCA International Mission. God is doing amazing things in the lives of people as they come to know Jesus and his love. Hope is being restored in a country that experienced the most horrific devastation through the murderous Pol Pot regime. The Lutheran Church in Cambodia is growing as people hear about Jesus and experience practical acts of love and service.
If you would like to consider the opportunity to serve as a volunteer in mission, serving in practical ways, teaching English, teaching in the seminaries and institutions of our partner churches, or in local churches, you are invited to phone Nevin on (08) 8267 7300 or email For more information, go to
Read more stories about volunteering at