Ministry through community
I sit, legs folded to the side, on the floor of a family home. Voices sing around me in words I don’t understand, but words aren’t needed to recognise songs of praise.
Tomorrow is a day of great significance in Krus village, Kampong Chhnang province, Cambodia. This home is the second we’ve been welcomed into for the day to share God’s word with village families. And 22 people, including children, youth and adults of all ages, are preparing to be baptised.
The significance of this hits me as I watch each person come forward, one by one. Some whole families come, reminding me of stories of household baptisms in Acts. In a country which is more than 95 per cent Buddhist, to see so many people come forward to become children of a new family in Jesus speaks to the powerful work that God is doing in the hearts of his people in Cambodia.
And here I have seen God doing his work, not only through individuals but even more so through community. When home visits are made, all the church staff go, not just the pastor. When food is prepared to feed the children of the village, not just our cook but also staff and volunteers help chop, peel and wash. When someone is sick or in pain, whoever is around will go and together we will pray. And music practice for Sunday doesn’t just include the musicians but anyone who wants to join in and sing.
While we have one God, he works in and through these differences in culture to meet his people, wherever they are. There’s no place he cannot reach. Whether in Australia or Buddhist Cambodia, his love is reaching out.
This story was also published in the August 2018 edition of Border Crossings, the magazine of LCA International Mission.
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