Luther Study Centre opens in Indonesia

The inauguration of the Luther Study Centre (LSC) in Pemetangsiantar in northern Sumatra has realised a long-held hope of the Lutheran churches of Indonesia. The centre was opened on 4 December 2020, as members of the Indonesian churches were joined online by friends and partners from around the world. Although COVID-19 robbed the participants of their chance to celebrate the occasion in person, it could not hinder the enthusiasm and joy for what the new centre represents.

In recent years there has been an awakening among the churches with whom we partner. Key leaders have realised that despite their historic connections to the Lutheran confession, their church bodies have often strayed from distinctive Lutheran teachings on sin and grace. Recognising that this has the potential to rob people of the comfort of the gospel and the certainty of salvation through faith in Christ, they have called out for help. LCA International Mission is privileged to be one of the partners who has been able to respond. The LSC is primarily about strengthening understanding and the practice of theology that rightly distinguishes law and gospel and points people to the completed work of Christ on the cross.

The Rev. Basa Hutabarat, executive secretary of the National Committee of LWF churches in Indonesia said, “Our expectation is that the LSC will offer a program in Lutheran doctrine that will be compulsory for all theological students. Even teachers in Lutheran schools should take this program. From this doctrine we understand and know the relevance of Lutheran theology for our Christian life.”

In addition to providing financial support for the LSC, LCA International Mission is partnering with Australian Lutheran College (ALC) to provide both in-person and online seminars led by ALC faculty which will be offered through the LSC.

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