Life-changing shoes

Living on the streets of Pematangsiantar in North Sumatra, Junadi was a kid without hope or a future.

All that changed in 2016. He was invited by someone from Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, one of the Lutheran Churches in Indonesia, to come and learn to make shoes.

His visit to Elim Panti Asuhan (House of Care) and the shoe-making room was about to change his life. The warm welcome of the staff and volunteers, and the training with the potential to earn a modest living, was encouragement enough for Junadi to come back day after day.

Today, Junadi proudly shares that he has made over 1,000 pairs of shoes in the past year.

That shoe-making room had its beginnings in the LLL and in the generosity of supporters.

In the 10 years since the LLL committed initial funding, LCA International Mission (formerly Board for Mission), in partnership with ALWS and Lutheran Education Australia, has worked together with the 13 Lutheran World Federation member churches in Indonesia to strengthen them for ‘service through partnership’.

This initial funding was used to build school classrooms and dormitories; set up the Centre for Development Studies and Disaster Response Management; set up various diaconal ministries and even the buildings to house them.

One building was a small vocational training room – for car washing (‘doorsmeer’) and hairdressing – in the grounds of Elim Panti Asuhan.

Here, Junadi experiences the practical love of Jesus every day as he works in that room transformed for shoe-making.

LCA International Mission gives thanks to God for the partnership with the LLL, as we seek to share Jesus’ love together with our overseas partners in the gospel.

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Read more stories about our partner churches in Indonesia at