How God Rekindled Me

I was born and raised in a Christian family and I attended church regularly year after year, just like other ‘typical’ Christians. Yet somehow, deep inside I did not feel any sense of belonging and connection to the church community. I had never shown any interest towards any church community/events/cell groups nor any sort of activities/programs that were organised by or related to the church and its ministries. I would describe myself as a ‘numb’ and ‘lifeless’ Christian who felt nothing at all about her faith. I had no passion, excitement, anticipation, expectation or desire to grow closer to God nor to learn more about Him.

As I became a young adult, there were numerous incidents, disappointments, confusion and doubts that challenged my faith and beliefs along the way. I was frustrated and miserable with a lot of stuff in my life. I failed to include God in anything I did, and only prayed when I felt I needed Him to fix my problems or when I was truly in despair. I read the Bible occasionally but the words and verses seemed meaningless and had no impact on my life whatsoever. Or so I felt.

It started with a simple prayer during the new year of 2009 – “God make something happen…!” At that point, I felt lost and that something was terribly lacking in my Christian life. My relationship with God had become stagnant and I was distant from God. Something had to change, so I simply uttered this prayer, with no clue about what He was going to do. I didn’t expect much from that prayer.

God works in mysterious ways! Around August that year, I was approached by a leader of a group that had just been formed, specifically for the young adults of our church. Reluctantly, I attended the first gathering and to my surprise, met a bunch of interesting and genuine people. They welcomed me warmly and were friendly. The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable and I felt like I was in the midst of a big loving family. I started to join the gatherings regularly, enjoying the fellowship and forming some friendships. It was one of the best things that has ever have happened in my life!

A major breakthrough came when I went to a camp for young adults. Pastor Suria (the speaker’s wife) prayed for me and, unexpectedly, I was struck by the presence of the Holy Spirit. The feeling was indescribable! I had such a sense of peace and relief, and it felt as though He had broken down the walls that I had built around myself. God gently touched my soul and heart. I wept and wept, knowing that I had experienced, and been embraced by, God. Since that day, I have moved forward in my Christian life journey and the rest is history.

As I write this testimony now, I look back and am amazed at how God has transformed my life and by His grace, how far I have come. God’s mighty hand was applied at just the right time, and brought the right people into my life. I belong to a wonderful small group and am actively serving in the children’s ministry and the ushering team. Today I am attached to and reconnected with my church and our community; I have grown to love them. Most importantly, my relationship, passion and love for God have been rekindled. God used the young adults’ group as a vessel and the people in this ministry to change my attitude, help me to grow spiritually and bring me back to Him again.

From being a ‘lifeless’ Christian, God injected new life into me!

God has His plans for us, and His grace and mercy will work miraculously if we let Him! Of course, life still has its ups and downs, and yes, sometimes I still struggle to hang on. Yet God comforts and reassures me that everything will be fine with this bible verse:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave or forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6

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