Health Project Brings Hope

Dr Rova, a Malagasy Lutheran Church (MLC) missionary in the Nan province of Thailand, coordinates the Mother and Child Healthcare program in the remote and impoverished Lua communities.

Many of the locals are immigrants and refugees from Laos and Myanmar and none of the local villages have hospitals or clinics. People face many problems with disease and sickness.

Together with her husband Rev Tovo, Dr Rova walks beside the Lua Lutheran evangelists you help sponsor and support. Proclaiming Jesus and servicing the Nan community go hand in hand for this couple from MLC, which is based in Madagascar in Africa.

Thai law doesn’t allow Dr Rova to work as a foreign doctor but it does allow her to work as a volunteer. She regularly visits villages to check on children’s health and to determine the essential support they need. ‘In that moment’, Dr Rova says, ‘we meet children with sicknesses; we consult with them and provide medicines.

‘Several of them need food support, due to their parents’ inability to afford food of any sort, so we have taken the decision to provide them with milk.

‘After our feedback this year when we went from village to village to see the reality of these children and young girls’ lives – they live with sick single mothers who can’t work, or with grandparents who are sick, old and don’t have resources – we understood that they really needed special support.

‘Children’s weights and health are monitored. Advice and support is given for flu treatment, dermatological disease, diet and the management of sickness. Adults with chronic health issues are checked for flu, heart and kidney disease, psychological disease, gynecological disease and stomach issues.’

The work of Dr Rova and Rev Tovo brings health to the villages and embeds these missionaries into their community because of their care and love. Faith, a future and freedom through the gospel, are alive and a growing part of the Nan community. This is just a part of the ministry and mission work that you partner in through your support for the Lua people.

Your support for the Lua evangelists working in the region enables the good news of Jesus to transform lives, as people come from fear and darkness into faith in Jesus Christ and are baptised into the Lutheran church. Through your partnership with LCA International Mission, you hold these people in your hands.

This story was also published in the August 2018 edition of Border Crossings, the magazine of LCA International Mission.

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