God’s Wingless Angels
For over twenty one years, Mr Jayasingh Rajiah has served as the director of Bethany Home in Malaysia. His leadership, love and care for the children and adults with disabilities who call Bethany ‘home’, and his encouragement and support for the staff who serve there has been inspirational. Jayasingh retired from his role as director in December 2013 and now waits to see where God will use him in new ways.
Jayasingh shared the following; ‘With a grateful heart I am preparing to pass the baton to Rev Karthik Sibanyanam, a very good man for the job, prepared by God.
God brought me here to serve the people with special needs. I am thankful to God for his help and guidance throughout the 21 years. I am also thankful to all church leaders and members, management and all staff and volunteers who worked together with me during these years and for the support of the Lutheran Women of Australia and many others.
At Bethany I learnt to trust God and I also learnt what faith is. God always sends “wingless angels” to help and meet all our needs. Many, many good things have happen in Bethany, no one individual can take credit – all is done by God and God alone.
Looking back over those 21 years, I can now see how God provided and carried us through both the good times and difficult times.
‘Thank you’, to all of you. Only God can repay you for all of your love and support all these years.’
At Bethany Home the children and young people are provided with skills to develop and maximize their potential so that they will be recognised as contributing members of their community. The main focus is independent living in the home and community.
There are currently 159 children and adults aged from aged 1 to 64 at Bethany Home with fifty percent of the children below 12 years of age.
Jayasingh and Pastor Karthik have worked hard to ensure that these children are not sent to an institution that provides everything but lacks in love and healthy touch.
At Bethany Home, the children are enabled to grow up in an environment that provides them with the practical love and care of Jesus.
Many of our partner churches are working in new territory for the kingdom of God; therefore, spiritual attack is their everyday reality. As a member of a congregation, school, or family, or a couple or individual, you are invited to commit to praying for our partners in mission. For regular prayer point updates, go to www.lca.org.au/international-mission/act-now/pray
Read more stories about our partner churches in Malaysia at http://www.lcamission.org.au/category/stories/international-partners/malaysia-peninsula/