Encouraged and built up…

Mentoring for the Education Secretaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Papua New Guinea and the LWF (Lutheran World Federation) National Committee representing 13 Lutheran Churches in Indonesia, together with delivery of workshops for Indonesian principals and teachers is helping to define what is best practice in Lutheran education and helping to build the capacity of these Lutheran educators to deliver Christ-centred education.

However, for the children in the classrooms of the Lutheran schools in these countries this ‘encouragement and building up’ of key educators represents much more … it is their livelihood, their future and their ability to live out their faith in Jesus Christ that is being shaped through the improvements of teaching and administration practices in their schools.

The generous funding made available through the LLL Overseas Mission Fund enables the LCA  International Mission, Australian Lutheran World Service and Lutheran Education Australia to join together in this collaborative gospel partnership to encourage and build up the brothers and sisters in Christ in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia.

All this is in addition to the initial and on-going support for the work which carried out through the Centre for Disaster Risk Management (CDRM) and Community Development Studies (CDS) in Indonesia and funded through the LLL Overseas Mission Fund.  Through the programs offered by CDRM and CDS, a large number of men and women from a wide range of situations in rural and remote areas in Indonesia are being trained in best practice for agricultural, clean water, sanitation, recycling, disabilities studies, climate change, hygiene, HIV/AIDS, food and nutrition, mothercraft, literacy, bookkeeping, establishment of micro credit facilities, and many other skills which build up the people living in difficult circumstances.

LCA International Mission gives thanks to God for the partnership in the gospel which is shared together with the LLL. Your generosity brings hope and encouragement to people beyond our borders and continues to build people up with new hope for the future.

If your school would like to know more about how they can connect to the mission of God through a LCA International Mission service-learning and ministry partnership, you are invited to phone Erin on (08) 8267 7300 or email erin.kerber@lca.org.au. For more information, go to www.lcamission.org.au/join-gods-mission/service-learning/

Read more stories about school partnerships and school service-learning at www.lcamission.org.au/category/stories/local-partners/schools/