Building on Strong Foundations
Large granite rocks and cement were used by many people to begin to lay the foundations for new classrooms for two schools of the Gereja Kristen Protestan Simalungan (GKPS) church in Indonesia on 13 June 2007. On a day filled with travel on crowded roads bordered by green rice paddies, colourful Batak dancing, energetic and excited school children, hot and spicy food and embracing Christian hospitality, Linda Macqueen and I got into the trenches to join with others to lay the foundations.
These new classrooms are part of a significant gift from the LLL to support the work of the LCA in partnering with the churches in Indonesia in new ways. These new initiatives in Indonesia have come about following the visit of Wayne Zweck and Peter Schirmer to Indonesia after the tsunami. The LLL gift builds on the strong foundations of partnership which have been laid over many years by the LCA.
In a great spirit of cooperation, the coordination group comprising representatives from different departments and agencies of the LCA have been working towards applying this gift to support the work of the churches in Indonesia, in the areas of Disaster Management and Community Development, capacity building of the schools, new equipment for orphanages to carry out their ministry to children who would otherwise have no standing in society, mission to indigenous people and the further training of pastors and lay workers.
Our Christian neighbours in Indonesia have much to share with us that money cannot buy. The gift of hospitality, the all-embracing way in which they live out their Christian faith in a Muslim country and the practical expression of their faith in the Diaconal (practical) ministry to name a few.
Many of our partner churches are working in new territory for the kingdom of God; therefore, spiritual attack is their everyday reality. As a member of a congregation, school, or family, or a couple or individual, you are invited to commit to praying for our partners in mission. For regular prayer point updates, go to
Read more stories about our partner churches in Indonesia at