Your bequest is the gift that keeps on giving. Long after you’ve gone, your legacy will continue to grow in love – just like the gift of forgiveness and rebirth, bequeathed to us in baptism by God through Jesus Christ.
By leaving a bequest to LCA International Mission, you are helping to grow our mission partnerships and support, in order to continue to follow our Lord in his mission to make disciples of all nations.
St Paul writes, ‘I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel…’ (Phil 1:3).
These words, and particularly the phrase ‘partnership in the gospel’, summarise in many ways the work of LCA International Mission – partnering in the gospel! Whether it be the LCA partnering internationally with long time gospel partners in Papua New Guinea or in new ways with the Lutheran Church in Singapore in Cambodia, the key is focusing on Christ; focusing on his mission and working together using our resources in meeting needs for the sake of the gospel and the people we seek to serve*.
When you leave a bequest to LCA International Mission you are helping us to continue our work as we all become partners in sharing the gospel.
Like to find out more?
Leaving a bequest is one of the most personal and precious gifts you can ever give, so we understand if you would like to talk about it with us first.
To confidentially find out more about leaving a bequest to the work of LCA International Mission, please phone 08 8267 7300 or email us at
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