Entries by admin

‘Border Crossings’ Issue 36

In this latest issue of Border Crossings, read the story of an Australian school’s partnership with a school and a community-based rehabilitation centre in Indonesia; learn of a doll ministry in Japan that provides an opportunity for God’s word to be shared among those who would normally actively avoid any mention of Jesus; pray for […]

Singapore Lutherans welcome new bishop

“I hope you do not … compare yourself with me because you are not me. You have gifts that I don’t have. But God can use each one of us according to what he has given us and for what we lack, God can impart it to us along the way.” Outgoing Bishop of the […]

Sharing care and counsel saves lives

The LCANZ has a long-standing relationship with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia (ELCM) through LCA International Mission. One of the ways the ELCM serves its community is through the Women’s Care & Counselling Centre, which supports pregnant women who may be considering abortions or baby-dumping. Those who serve there share the story of this […]

Walking with our overseas partners

LCA International Mission walks together with our partner churches overseas through support for such projects as the Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) at Sabah Theological Seminary (STS) in Malaysia. LSC Director Dr Wilfred J Samuel explains the critical role of the centre for the region’s Lutheran churches. The Lutheran Study Center (LSC) at Sabah Theological Seminary […]

‘You can’t bury your dead here’ – a cost of faith in Christ

The death of loved ones here in Australia and New Zealand presents us with the heartbreaking reality of grief and the consequences of our fall from God’s original intention for humankind. But for all the heartache we suffer, we can usually count on the ability to bury our dead with dignity and the support of […]

Impactful support for Bethany Home

Bethany Home was established in 1966 and continues to provide training and an educational program for children and adults with special needs. As at April 2021, we have 117 children with special needs (intellectual deficiency, spastic, autism and epilepsy) coming from a multi-racial and multi-religious background. Activities/Events The COVID-19 pandemic had affected many of our […]

Stamps make a world of difference

Who would have thought the once-popular children’s pastime of stamp collecting was still alive? Well, not only is stamp collecting still going strong, but it continues to make a world of difference to communities around the globe through the Lutheran Church of Australia’s (LCA) Stamps for Mission program. Since its inception more than 80 years […]

Easter message changes lives

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand is still a relatively new church, which is also true of the growing congregations in Nan Province. It is here that the gospel of forgiveness and life in Jesus’ name has transformed the lives of the Lua people, who make up the majority of Christians in this area. Traditionally, […]

Praying for peace in Myanmar

Myanmar was plummeted into insecurity and uncertainty in February, as the military seized power and detained democratically elected leaders, alleging electoral fraud in November 2020 elections won by the National League for Democracy party. However, the Myanmar people are not giving up their hard-won freedoms without a fight, albeit a non-violent one. Many thousands of […]

Celebrating the resurrection of Jesus

I remember being a young boy in my village in the 1970s and 1980s and hearing the sound of the traditional Papua New Guinea instrument garamut on Easter Sunday mornings, calling people to worship. You can hear the deep sound many miles away and it can wake people who are sound asleep! As early as […]

Come over here and help us!

‘A vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us”’ (Acts 16:9). The LCA might be a relatively small church in Australia and New Zealand, but God calls us to support his mission among churches of neighbouring countries. Answering […]