Accidentally falling in love

The photo could have been taken anywhere on the globe. Two people looking at each other with knowing smiles as they shift a little closer together as they chat.

Much has been written and sung about love. This story takes place in Pengkalan Hulu, Malaysia and tells of two people in love, with the arms of Jesus around them.

Mirnawan is a young Orang Asli (indigenous) man living in West Malaysia. He is familiar with the hardships of life and the struggles of being part of a minority in his own country. From a child he had practiced black magic and is familiar with its powers. Mirnawan came to know Jesus through a supernatural experience – he was released from demons and, after seeing the impact of God’s Spirit on his family and on the life of the lady sitting next to him, Mirnawan says by 2015 he knew that ‘Jesus was real for sure!’

Chercehar has her own story of coming to know Jesus through an evangelist. In 2006 someone shared the gospel about Jesus Christ to her and a month later she says she came to know and love Jesus. The change in her life has been, for her, just as radical as Mirnawan’s. Before she would sit at home by herself and experience loneliness – now, she wants to make friends because she senses the Christian ‘familyness’.

Mirnawan, 20 year of age, and Chercehar, 25 years of age, were friends since childhood …and then ‘accidentally fell in love’. He loves her because she has beautiful eyes. She loves him because he always encourages her and has kind words to say to her. They were married on 27 October 2016. The day we spoke to them we had just witnessed Mirnawan’s baptism, along with 28 other people, at the church they attend in a small Malaysian community. In his words ‘he wanted to fully surrender himself to Jesus’. It was an act of faith. They enjoy worship because they love to sing and hear the Word of God.

Are there challenges now in their Christian walk? ‘Sometimes they find it difficult to be Christians in this community because the Christians sometimes do not set a good Biblical example for those in the community.’ Perhaps love and love’s challenges are the same the world over.

Whoever Jesus is ‘in’, he makes a difference. Love is present and alive. What difference has Jesus made in your life? Share with someone.

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