International and local Lutheran partners


Evangelical Lutheran Church of Papua New Guinea (ELCPNG)

  • Bishop: Rev Jack Urame
  • Assistant Bishop: Rev Lukas Kedabing
  • General Secretary: Mr Bernhard Kaisom
  • Inter Church Relations and Ecumenism: Rev Kinim Siloi
  • Lutheran Overseas partner Church Liaison officer: Mr Reinhard Lorenz


  • Lutheran Overseas Partner Churches (LOPC)
  • Lutheran Church of Australia
  • Mission EineWelt (MEW); Centre for Partnership, Development and Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria
  • Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) Global Mission
  • Nordkirche (formerly NMZ) also known as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northern Germany – Centre for Global Ministries and Ecumenical Relations
  • Leipzig Lutheran Mission Department for World Mission


Australian Lutheran World Service

The LCA is also represented in PNG by Australia Lutheran World Service (ALWS) working through the Churches Partnership Program (CPP), using AusAid funding provided to a various mainline churches to support capacity building in community development.

The LCA has two arms reaching out across the borders of our country to share Jesus’ love: LCA International Mission (LCAIM) and Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS). LCA International Mission has the responsibility for mission and evangelism, so that, through the work of the Holy Spirit and in partnership with others, we can bring the life-changing news of the gospel to people overseas and cross culturally in Australia. ALWS has responsibility for overseas aid and development and is the resettlement agency of the LCA.

More about mission in Papua New Guinea

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