Through the LCA’s relationship with the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and the LWF Mekong Mission Forum, LCA International Mission has been gradually involved in partnership relationships with all four of the LWF member churches in Myanmar. The major involvement in this partnership is through providing support for the Lutheran Church of Malaysia as it supports the theological development.

Short-term scholarships to Australia to undertake ALC classes and orientation to the LCA have been given on 2 occasions. In 2012, Rev James San Aung (MLC) and Rev Martin Lalthangliana (LCM) spent 3 months in Australia. In 2014, Mr Luke Andrew (LBC/ ELCB) was in Australia for 3 months, and Rev Victor VeU from the MEC came for 2 months.

The LCA also supports the biannual Women’s Ministry conference for the four LWF member churches.

There are many opportunities for congregations, schools and individuals to become personally involved in the ministry carried out in Myanmar.

More about mission in Myanmar