Hi, I’m Nevin

I’m Nevin Nitschke, your LCA International Mission Indonesia Program Officer. I’m here to help you and encourage you to join God’s mission in Indonesia.

The people of Indonesia have a strong sense of community and a gentle nature. The 8 million Lutherans in a predominately Muslim country have learnt how to work together in their communities and have a deep passion for serving Jesus. In partnership with the churches in Indonesia we have much to offer and even more to learn! I’m meeting people hungry to learn English and receive training and education. Volunteers and partnerships are highly valued by the Indonesian people. If you would like to know more about how your life might be touched or used to support people in Indonesia, give me a call and I’ll be happy to chat with you or visit your congregation or school.

Some background

The history of Indonesia is a rich tapestry. Indian merchants bought Islam into the country in the 10th century while in the 13th century a Hindu kingdom, the Majapahit Empire, flourished for a period.

The Portuguese, Dutch, British and Japanese have all at times laid claim to at least parts of Indonesia. Guerrilla warfare by the Indonesians resulted in the Dutch agreeing to recognize Indonesian independence in 1949. Parliamentary democracy was replaced when President Sukarno introduced a new political system in 1957. The power of parliament was reduced and his own power was greatly increased. In 1965 the Communists attempted an unsuccessful coup in Indonesia.

From 1966 Suharto ruled as a dictator but brought stability and under him the economy of Indonesia recovered. Democracy returned to Indonesia with elections held in 1999. Today the economy of Indonesia is growing steadily.

Your partners in mission

There are now 13 Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Indonesia with an estimated membership of 8 million. LCA International Mission continues to work towards developing relationships with all 13 churches. Our partnership has taken the form of in-country and overseas scholarships for pastor training, support for education reform in the Lutheran schools, support for the seminaries, guest lecturers from Australian Lutheran College (ALC) teaching in the seminaries, the provision of Australian volunteers to teach English in various ministries and institutions, and mission to prisoners.  The LCA continues with ‘off-budget’ funds to support diaconal institutions of these churches, through their orphanages, and ministry to blind students and abused children, on a request basis.

Many of the LCA scholarship recipients who came from the Indonesian partner churches to study at ALC have gone on to serve their churches as key leaders – bishops, general secretaries and lecturers.

The history of the Indonesian ‘Lutheran’ churches is complex and the formation of the various churches has at times been from dissent from the ‘parent’ church – Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (HKBP) or along ethnic/language lines or because of various ‘political’ and ‘religious’ conflicts. The founding missionaries were German (Rev Nommensen) or ‘Reformed’ missionaries from European mission agencies. Financial support from United Evangelical Mission (UEM), and other Reformed European partners remains. The bishops of the 13 LWF member churches have expressed their belief that their churches need to grow in their ‘Lutheran Identity’. This remains a key challenge and opportunity.

Ministries and Programs you can support

  • Abednigo Batanghari – in country Scholarship
  • BNKP Seminary – Library Support
  • GKLI Seminary – Library Support
  • Guest lecturers from LCA
  • Lutheran Study Centre in Indonesia
  • LWF Indonesia National Committee annual publication
  • Reconciliation Ministry Scholarships in Australia
  • Rev Elkarya Telaumbanua – Doctoral Studies Scholarship
  • Ridwin Purba – Indonesian Lutheran Education Secretary for the LWF National Committee
  • Ruth Butler – Education Consultant
  • Sabbatical Scholarship at Australian Lutheran College (ALC)
  • STT Abdi Sabda Seminary – Library Support
  • STT Abdi Sabda Seminary – Prison Ministry
  • STT HKBP Seminary – Library Support

You may donate to these specific Indonesian ministries, or give a gift to be applied wherever it is most needed, from our online donation page (or visit our donation information page for other options).

Volunteering opportunities

  • Teaching English at Adbi Sabda seminary, located in Medan, North Samatra. Teaching qualifications are preferred.
  • Teaching conversational English at Bible Frau school, situated in a small rural town in North Samatra. Qualifications are not essential.
  • Assistance to Develop the Library and Teaching English to the Students at the Deaconess School, in the heart of Samatra.
  • Teaching English to students and staff in the Lutheran schools in Indonesia (including vocational training schools). If interested, placement is negotiated before the volunteer arrives. Best suited to current or retired teachers looking to experience education in another setting

Mission partnerships

You already support mission and ministry work in Indonesia through your prayers and weekly offerings. But if you would like to work more closely with the Lutheran churches in Indonesia, you could talk to any of these congregations or schools about the blessings of a partnership:

  • Concordia College, Highgate, SA with SA_SMK GKPI 1 & SMK GKPI 2
  • Endeavour College, Mawson Lakes, SA with SD GKPS, SMP GKPS 3 Jalan Sisingamangaraja and SMK GKPS 3 Jalan Sudirman Pematangsiantar
  • Faith Lutheran College, Tanunda, SA with SMA HKBP 1, Tarutung
  • Grace Lutheran College, Rothwell and Caboolture, Qld and Living Faith Church with SMK HKBP Sidikalang and SMA HKBP Lawe Sigalagala TanahAlas
  • Immanuel Lutheran College, Buderim, Qld with SMA and SMP HKBP Parapat and GKPS Community Based Rehabilitation Centre
  • Navigator College, Port Lincoln, SA with SMA GKPS Pematangraya
  • St. Martin’s Lutheran College, Mt Gambier, SA with SD HKI Pematangsiantar
  • Unity College, Murray Bridge, SA with SMA HKBP Pamatangsiantar and SD HKBP Latihan Pemantangsiantar
  • Victory Lutheran College, Wodonga, Vic with SMA BNKP